lazy rookie animator. hoping to swap into an animation course next year of uni!

Age 30, Male



summoner's rift!

Joined on 1/23/09

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SmoG878's News

Posted by SmoG878 - May 10th, 2009

Happy mothers day!
I made a flash toon about how i couldn't think of anything good to give my mom for mothers day.
It's only about 17 seconds so i posted it on my youtube account instead of the portal.
I know it might not be the best or worst piece of animation ever, but i am a n00b at animating.
So, check it out!
happy mothers' day!

Posted by SmoG878 - May 4th, 2009

YAY! I made my 1st/longest flash animation yet. It's 12 frames/s and it's 12 frames long :P
I learned the very basics from Tom Fulps tutorial on flash and i got bored because my ideas were too complicated, so i decided to do it the long way, frame-by-frame and I ended up making a 1 second long gif of my upcoming parody 'rayd00d'. It's rayman/d00d saying "WHAT?!?".
Yeah, that's all. I know it's no big deal but i just wanted to post evidence of my 1st ever flash gif.
$moG out.


Posted by SmoG878 - April 22nd, 2009

Ok, i FINALLY moved in to my new house but it also took a while to get the internet up 'n running. My friend is gonna see me on the weekend and lend me his old laptop with CS3 photoshop and flash. So i'm getting ready for the portal, and the portal better get ready for me ;)
Buuuuuuuuuuuuut it won't be for a while. I have 3 assignments to do for now and a big commitment of tests, asignments and job searchin' this year, being in grade 10 'n all. Nonetheless i'll be busy for quite a while, and i still have my carreer to think about so what's the fun without juggling hobbies in 'n out of stress, ey?
My PE movie is oh-so-slightly based on Tom Fulp's 'adventures of billy bo-bob' but it revolves around trying to reduce the stigma that all people with mental illnesses are paranoid and crazy while this one guy is trying to get rid of that oh-so persevering/stalking ghost.
And lastly, lemme bitch about something for a while, my settlement date for my new house was moved 3 and a-half weeks from it's original date, and GUESS WHERE IT DECIDED TO STOP?!?!?!?!?! On the FREAKIN' day of the NG Australia meet! Talk about your extremely bad karma. *thinks*"but i never did anything wrong?!?"
oh well, i just guess the universe hates me.
Peace out.

Posted by SmoG878 - April 10th, 2009

During my last few weeks of term 1 of school, my family was preparing to move to our new house. The date for settlement was april 6th. Several times the date was delayed. First they told us for the wednesday, were were a bit pissed but fine. Then they told us thursday, grrr. THEN! on thursday while i was at school, my parents had a crazy situation on their hands.
While they were in bunnings warehouse they got a call. The bankers/soliciters told us that they hadn't got the papers yet, even though we clearly sent them. APARRENTLY, our soliciter fucked it up, and the person who was supposed to recieve the papers from our soliciter got pissed.
They told my parents get us the papers by 1:30 pm or you don't get the house...and the time currently was 1:20...
It was a race against time, phone calls while driving, yelling, screaming, FUCKING...hell...
In the end, we got the papers delivered, at 1:28! *phew*
But the worst us to come. several days later, they told us 'MERH!!' the settlement is moved again to thursday the next week. Now we were starting to get really pissed off! I was on an excursion to the city of Sydney at the time for my art class. The city was taking out all it's fury on me like a bitchy grandmother during christmas rush hour. I had incredibally bad luck. My camera ran out of batteries, my bottle exploded in my bag, our train was 40 minutes late...and a seagull took my quater pounder!!1!!11!!!!onehundredandelevn!!
But the worst thing was, as soon as i got on the train, my mum called and told me the date was moved to the weekend. Then when i got home, it was changed again while i was on the freakin train!!! To wednesday the next week. EVEN WORSE! 'member that little crazy escapade with the missing papers? well, now thanks to those fucking pricks screwing it up, they're charging US with a whoping $6000 compounded daily 20%
Honestly, my life is fucked up.
I've said it once, 2009 is a year to remember, for better or for worse.
From the begining, my friends left me during the summer holidays: bad
I was moved up to a higher stream of classes in my school: bad cuz moar work
LOTSA assignments and tests: obvious...
This shit with the moving houses: bad
Severly extreme debt: VERY BAD!
Also, i have 3 assignments to do within 2 weeks of the holidays (one of which is worth 60% and if i fail it i can't get my school certificate!!!) :also bad
And not to mention i tried to invite a shit load of friends to my new house for my birthday/home welcoming party, but it's all epic fail now.
And to top it off, i probably won't even get to go to the NG meet in the city ;_;
$moG out

Posted by SmoG878 - March 30th, 2009

Well, as most of you probably don't know, i've been a member of serebii forums quite longer than NG. I've been participating in localised spriting contests and i grew on it. To this day, i do whatever i can to improve my artistic talent, but i lack computer art skills. SO, i decided to whip out a little sprite comic based on the pokemon special manga series, but with NG style humour.
Enjoy!Pokemon UN-special manga webisode wone: VS Floating pink testicle

Pokemon UN-special manga

Posted by SmoG878 - March 23rd, 2009

woot! St. patties FTW! I made this sprite, um, 'comic' of a pokemon cenario of a bar during st. patties day :D
And by the way, munchlax has an anchor tattoo on his left arm.
So tell me what you think of my spriting skills :D
Spam doesn't count as creative criticism...

~And the saints go marching in!~

Posted by SmoG878 - March 12th, 2009

Well, recently my parents bought a new house and we're moving in on april 6th.
It's not too far from where i used to live because i just moved into the selective stream of my school.
What is 'selective' you might ask? Well, in Australia (or N.S.W as far as i can say) Each high school fits into a categotry. Wether it's boarding, private, agriculture, community or selective. Community is the school you get into automatically if you don't pass the 'selective test'. If you do however pass this test, you get to go whatever particular school you chose.
My school is halph-halph. As in, i first tried the test, and failed but last year i took the test once more! But failed again. BUT! this year, on the 2nd day of school after the holidays, i was sent to the vice-principal's office. I already got a letter at home saying that my family's daughter had to se the principal...WTF?!? Then i thought that it might be for my sister cuz she's taking the test this year (she's in elementary school). MERHN! Wrong! It was apparently for me so they could offer me a spot in the selective stream of my school. I swear...my hands were so sweaty that they could solve the drought of my intensely dry jokes (like that one :P) The thing is, i got a letter telling me i didn't make it after i took the test the yaer before.
So i took it, but my trail of progress sorta went liek this:
yeah. I guess that kinda makes me a reject selective. I also would like to say that my life is really unique. Everyone has a different way of growing up, thus everything you experiance determines who you are. I have pleanty of 'kodak moments' in my life, and i'm constantly trying to express my creativity through music, acting and most importantly: ART! Which is what led me to Newgrounds :D
Though i might not be the most skilled artist or anything, you never know 'till you try. If anyone does read this, by now you're probably sick and tired of me yapping on about my life. If not, go back and read my previous entries XP
I could write a book one day, but i hate reading so i'll just make flashes and maybe a few games about my life and the creativity in my head.
That's all folks about my life..................................
..........................for now...............
I'll soon post updates about my career persuing in flash-ing/Art and my progress in my flash toons.
$moG out.

Posted by SmoG878 - March 6th, 2009

Ok, now don't misunderstand the title :P this is really about who i am and who i want to be.
Well, i was born on the 5th of april in 1994 in skopje (macedonia) hostpital.
In 1998 i moved to Australia to the slums of Kograh. Little did i know that my neighbourhood was filled with drugies and crims. I grew up with great friends which led me to fall in love on my 1st day of kindergarden.
I lived there for 4 years until in the 3rd grade where i was moved to macquarie fields. All my childhood i was teased and picked on. It made me sorta hate myself. I'm a big Videogame fanatic. I got my first gbc with pokemon gold when i was 6. It was later stolen when i was 8...
In elementary school, i made a few good and decent friends here and there, but not as many as enemies i had made in halph the thyme :P
My high school was right next to my elementary school so it was convienient because i lived close. Shitty thing was that the high school blocked my path to the elementary school so i had to walk all the way around :P Growing up with videogames i learned to think for myself. I sorta raised myself with VGs and TVs becasue in VGs you make mistakes and learn by youself. And that philosophy has become a part of me.
I learned for myself non-stop. Always looking deep into the situation to find a subliminal glimps of a solution. I was quite a bright student in my early years of school, but the constant preasure of nagging parents, ridiculing peers and overall stress made my life miserable and my brain cells suicided. My 1st appifany, i will post in my next diary entry ;P
People said i had great potential, so i did the test to get into the selective stream of the high school.
Oh, just in case you were wondering, selective is for nerds who pass the test. Community is for duds who get in automatically. My school was halph-halph.
I epically failed the test and managed to get into the community. But through years of torture and irritation, i retook the test once more in ninth grade, and i failed again T_T BUT they told me the next year that a place was open for me and they moved me up anyway...guess it kinda makes me a 'reject' selective...
All my life i was interested in acting, art and cartoons. I thought throughout my life that i could be numerous things but the one thing that could be all of those was an actor. So that's why i wanted to be a hollywood actor. Tough thing is, i'm not that wealthy and i life several thousands of miles away from america (aka: my dream homeland). But not until this one time at my uncle's birthday, with the inspirtaion of Kirbopher and DAVE stuck in my head, i dreamed to become a flash artist! Or a cool artist for newgrounds hq (man, that'd be awsome :D) And that brings me to where i am now. Writing this rediculously long diary entry which will probably get ignored or only one comment. But if anyone does read this, thanks for your time.
$moG out.

Posted by SmoG878 - February 16th, 2009

Well, i chose art and music in school. Originally, i had no artistic/musical talent (which is why i chose them, so i could learn cuz they're cool) except for playing a bass drum in my primary school band. It was dull and borring and bohring and duhl. After i graduated from primary school, the millenium marching band sent my school a letter for anyone to join. I joined with enthusiasm, but the trouble was that i didn't know how to read music. They gave me pleanty of music to learn off by heart and i was all liek 'WTF?!?'. In my primary school band all i did was the same boring beat on my own.

I quit the band after one year because i wasn't up to the commitment, that and the fact that whenever someone screwed up the marching routine, everyone had to do 15 pushups! I was 11 for gods sake! Plus, i had to do snail push ups (push ups with my drum ontop of me). WHY OH WHY DID I CHOSE THE BIGGEST DRUM?!. Originally i had no idea we were gonna march :P

After i quit, my music classes got more serious, i had my second appifany a bit later and i embraced music with all my heart. I was more clear with my emotions. I wanted to write a book, but this'll do for now. I tried learning the keyboard/piano and i got the hang of it. I played one handed melodies with two hands at first, but since i got my keyboard for christmas recently i'm stepping up to the learning curb like an alleycat with rabies :P

I always wanted to write a play/movie about music titled "Diety". It's about this boy who wants to become a great musician at everything but can't play a single thing. He's 9 and very rich by the way. He goes to the cemetary and finds the graves of dead classical composers; bach, mozart, beethoven, tchaikovski,ect. He asks the gravekeeper who they were, surprised at who they were the boy listens on. Then the graveskeeper tells him about an ancient secret about the full moon on halloween. If it ever happens, the spirits rise from the dead and possess the conciousness of the closest human being. The secret of the curse was kept between the era of that graveyard's keepers, and sacrafice their lives to keep the spirits from targeting anyone else. All the composers possess the boys body and they cant propperly control it cuz they're all trying to invade his consciousness at the same time.
They're so confused about the new aged world but when they find a piano, they go nutso, classical style. It works for guitars aswell. And in the end they end up mixing diff styles with diff instruments. While the spirtis are controlling, inside the boy's body (cartoonish animation) he is inside a giant maze/labrinth adventure where he must reach the spirtis in the control center of his brain.
[edit] you know what? i might just turn that into a flash...

So, whadja think?
$moG out.

Posted by SmoG878 - January 24th, 2009

Hi, My name's $moG. My hobby was playing videogames, until now. I met my friends at my uncle's 40th birthday, ofcourse we already knew each other but we were bored. So we started talking and we ended up imagining funny skits involving brawl taunts and stick figures. But as always, my friend who goes by the nickname 'wazsupbii*' always adds the obligatory RAB quote to spice up the mix.
*why do we call him wazsupbii? Well he's green, spicy and annoys the heck out of us :p

So we eventually came up with the idea to make our very 1st flash animation movie. I'm still in high school and i chose music and art as my elective subjects. The tough thing is that in my art class, it's more about art itself than actually teaching you how to draw. Thus the stick figure idea. I've always wanted to be a cartoonist though, though looking at the pros on NG, i'm most likely gonna epicly fail :P
Tis true. I can't draw for shit. BUT! That wont stop me from becoming as famed as Kirbopher or DAVE.

Our goal is to learn how to make flash animations and actually make a good-detailed, funny and creative flash cartoon, the likes of NG has seen several times!!! I hope i'll be able to fit it in with High school exams, part-time jobs and not to mention *cough* 'teen hygene'. Wish me all the best of luck and before you can say "i'm investing in BHP billiton" i'll be finnished with the movie.

$moG out.