Well, i chose art and music in school. Originally, i had no artistic/musical talent (which is why i chose them, so i could learn cuz they're cool) except for playing a bass drum in my primary school band. It was dull and borring and bohring and duhl. After i graduated from primary school, the millenium marching band sent my school a letter for anyone to join. I joined with enthusiasm, but the trouble was that i didn't know how to read music. They gave me pleanty of music to learn off by heart and i was all liek 'WTF?!?'. In my primary school band all i did was the same boring beat on my own.
I quit the band after one year because i wasn't up to the commitment, that and the fact that whenever someone screwed up the marching routine, everyone had to do 15 pushups! I was 11 for gods sake! Plus, i had to do snail push ups (push ups with my drum ontop of me). WHY OH WHY DID I CHOSE THE BIGGEST DRUM?!. Originally i had no idea we were gonna march :P
After i quit, my music classes got more serious, i had my second appifany a bit later and i embraced music with all my heart. I was more clear with my emotions. I wanted to write a book, but this'll do for now. I tried learning the keyboard/piano and i got the hang of it. I played one handed melodies with two hands at first, but since i got my keyboard for christmas recently i'm stepping up to the learning curb like an alleycat with rabies :P
I always wanted to write a play/movie about music titled "Diety". It's about this boy who wants to become a great musician at everything but can't play a single thing. He's 9 and very rich by the way. He goes to the cemetary and finds the graves of dead classical composers; bach, mozart, beethoven, tchaikovski,ect. He asks the gravekeeper who they were, surprised at who they were the boy listens on. Then the graveskeeper tells him about an ancient secret about the full moon on halloween. If it ever happens, the spirits rise from the dead and possess the conciousness of the closest human being. The secret of the curse was kept between the era of that graveyard's keepers, and sacrafice their lives to keep the spirits from targeting anyone else. All the composers possess the boys body and they cant propperly control it cuz they're all trying to invade his consciousness at the same time.
They're so confused about the new aged world but when they find a piano, they go nutso, classical style. It works for guitars aswell. And in the end they end up mixing diff styles with diff instruments. While the spirtis are controlling, inside the boy's body (cartoonish animation) he is inside a giant maze/labrinth adventure where he must reach the spirtis in the control center of his brain.
[edit] you know what? i might just turn that into a flash...
So, whadja think?
$moG out.